Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dependency Injection via Object Builder

Builder Design Pattern

Design Pattern - Abstract Factory


Staging Service - Commerce Server 2007

Commerce Server 2007 - Runtime

Profile System - Commerce Server 2007

Orders System drill down - CS2007

Marketing System runtime - Commerce Server 2007

Data Warehouse & Reporting - Commerce Server 2007

Catalog & Inventory drill down - Commerce Server 2007

Biztalk Adapter Drill Down - Commerce Server 2007

Inventory Objects Architecture - Commerce Server 2007

Catalog Objects Architecture - Commerce Server 2007

Commerce Server 2007

Security Application Block - Enterprise Library

Exception Application Block - Enterprise Library

Data Access Application Block - Enterprise Library

Caching Application Block - Enterprise Library

Policy Injection Application Block

High-level view of the way the Policy Injection Application Block implements a handler pipeline

Class Hierarchy of the Policy Injection Application Block

Runtime Behavior of the Policy Injection Application Block

The process flows through the handler pipeline when a handler aborts the method call to the target object

Cryptography Application Block - Enterprise Library

A Composite Application Architecture

Service Life Cycle

Enterprise Service Orientation Maturity Model (ESOMM)


Anatomy of SaaS App

SOA Registry